No matter the age of your business or the role you play in the business, it is very necessary for you to know bookkeeping. As a business owner, the knowledge of bookkeeping will help you in making important decisions about your business and your personal finances. Without bookkeeping, you are simply doing business with hope, you keep struggling always hoping that things will get better, you don't know how much profit you are making you are just hoping that you are making a profit. Although bookkeeping might be a little boring to some people, those who have the knowledge enjoys the benefits of bookkeeping. For Example ✔ Bookkeeping will give you full control of your business ✔ Bookkeeping gives you confidence in your finances ✔ Bookkeeping gives you insight on what part is working or not working in your business ✔ Bookkeeping helps you identify where you should cut cost and where to make an investment in your business What you will discover in this book are ✔ The meaning of a business ✔ What is Accounting ✔ What role does accounting play in a business ✔ Purpose of accounting and why you need it for your business ✔ Who Use Financial Information and Purpose? ✔ Basic Accounting Concept and how you can relate it to your business ✔ Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting ✔ Accounting Equation ✔ Accounting Terminology and how you can relate with it to your business ✔ Types of Account ✔ How to set up a chart of accounts ✔ How to set up a balance sheet to keep track of every penny that goes into your business ✔ What is the T-accounts ✔ How to apply Debit & Credit Rules in your business ✔ Accounting Process ✔ Comparison between single-entry vs double-entry accounting ✔ What is double-entry accounting and how to apply it to your business ✔ Understand the rules of debit & credit ✔ What is accounting methods ✔ The mistakes you must avoid in bookkeeping, so you won't do any embarrassing moves ✔ And much, much more! Bookkeeping can be far easier and more beneficial than you imagine. Knowing what is happening in your business, will make your life much easier, and also give you confidence in your ability to start, grow, and manage any business! | |